Übersetzung & Definition

an edition: eine Edition, eine Ausgabe, eine Auflage noun


  • "Philip : Ah, but what you carry is the regular edition of "Bordello Breeze", this is the gold label edition, exclusively packaged within a unique collector's item boxed set."
  • "This is Brent Vanderplop with a special Hollywood edition of Radio Rhubarb!"
  • "The first edition of our weekly Current Events Club will be held on Wednesday at 12:00."
  • "Hello everyone and thank you for coming to the inaugural edition of Brian Jones' Current Events Club!"
  • "Join us tomorrow for another edition of Mind your Business!"
  • "Bruno : You know it's funny, I didn't even know we had a "gold label edition" of "Bordello Breeze" in circulation, and usually I'm the one who gives final approval for our fragrance production."
  • "The boxed set will feature three vintage Delavigne perfumes: "Moulin Magic", "Paris by night" and the new gold-label edition of "Bordello Breeze"..."
  • "Moira : Welcome to an extra special edition of Radio Rhubarb, folks!"

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