Übersetzung & Definition

(an) extra (bed): (ein) zusätzliches (Bett) adjective
I have an extra set of keys at home. Ich habe einen zusätzlichen Satz Schlüssel zu Hause.
(an) extra (comfortable bed): (ein) besonders (komfortables Bett) adverb
an extra: ein Extra, ein Zusatz noun


  • "Oh, and I'll have a Moo goo gai pan that's a number 44 with extra pancakes."
  • "Moira : Welcome to an extra special edition of Radio Rhubarb, folks!"
  • "Extra cheese is 2 dollars."
  • "He's got an extra room at his flat."
  • "I did call you in here to invite you to London, but I only have one extra ticket."
  • "Danica : I can neither confirm nor deny that I would like a cheesecake with extra whipped cream and a cup of coffee."
  • "I am sure that you would agree that this occasion deserves an extra special celebration."
  • "I would really like to see more varieties of coffee in the coffee machine in the break room. "Milk and sugar", "black with sugar", "extra sugar" and "cream and sugar" don't offer much diversity."
  • "-Going the extra mile to satisfy a customer is a great way of maintaining customer loyalty."
  • "If you need extra space, you can just drag your applications from one screen onto the second screen!"

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