Übersetzung & Definition

extraordinary: außerordentlich, außergewöhnlich adjective

UK: That hat is really quite extraordinary.
US: I wear this hat every day, so it's not extraordinary at all.


  • "In this special documentary, we'll take a look at this extraordinary man and his extraordinary work with those extraordinary creatures: the dolphins."
  • "Philip : Again, I'd have gone with "extraordinary"."
  • "Philip : Is there any way we could include the term "extraordinary" in the review?"
  • "Today was just an ordinary day for an extraordinary company, and tomorrow it will all start over again."
  • "The buffet is quite extraordinary."
  • "In brief: you say these perfumes have already been distilled and bottled, which means we cannot re-bottle them and sell them as different fragrances entirely, and from what Philip tells me, it would be an extraordinary feat to convince any of our current distributors to purchase some 10,000 bottles of an outdated perfume."
  • "I'd say it was more... "extraordinary"."
  • "Of course you didn't have time this morning to go into detail about just how extraordinary I am. Let's schedule a two-hour meeting next week."

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