Übersetzung & Definition

to follow: folgen, befolgen verb
Follow me. Folge mir.
following: anschließend, folgend, nachstehend adjective
We signed the contract the following week. Wir haben den Vertrag in der folgenden Woche unterschrieben.
You will need to bring the following documents to the interview. Sie werden die folgenden Dokumente zum Interview mitbringen müssen.
a following: die Anhänger, ein Gefolge noun
Delavigne perfumes have acquired quite a following. Die Parfüms von Delavigne haben viele Anhänger gefunden.

UK: Just follow me through this door please, sir.
US: I hate following orders.


  • "Follow me please."
  • "Follow me!"
  • "We have your laboratory surrounded by a team of 300 highly-trained military operatives, 17 Apache helicopters and 3 cats that followed us here."
  • "You eat dinner, then talk to him. Come on and follow me now!"
  • "Bruno : And Horatio "The Anaconda" Oléré, you'll be following drunken kung-fu school rules."
  • "Follow these pointers, and you'll soon look like the kind of man that people want to do business with."
  • "If everyone will be so kind as to follow me, I will tell you exactly where Susie and Bruno are."
  • "Follow me please!"
  • "Please, just shut your mouth and follow me."
  • "Vicar : Mr. Marron, you're not following the proper format at all."

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