Übersetzung & Definition

fully: völlig, vollständig adverb
full: satt, voll adjective
This meal was delicious, I'm full. Dieses Gericht war köstlich, ich bin satt.


  • "I sincerely hope that you have fully recovered from your recent colon surgery."
  • "I am fully confident in the results because Horatio did the testing in between shots of tequila."
  • "The fleet of Mile High planes features fully reclining seats for every pilot and co-pilot."
  • "Just take your flashlight outside on a bright sunny day for 30 minutes and voilà: a fully functional flashlight!"
  • "I've been reading the latest Office Health and Safety Regulations, and it seems that all employees must be fully clothed at all times while at work."
  • "It's a beautiful place, and I'm fully aware of its increasing importance to the global economy."
  • "Caroline : I've done some research on Delavigne, and I'm fully aware of your current online presence, it's very exclusive."

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