Übersetzung & Definition

a heart attack: ein Herzinfarkt idiom
Don't scare me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack. Erschreck' mich nicht so. Ich hätte fast einen Herzinfarkt bekommen.

UK: Ah! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
US: You'll have a heart attack if you keep eating so much fat.


  • "Bruno : You almost gave me a heart attack!"
  • "Yes, yes... "heart attack while saving orphans from a fire"."
  • "His heart attack was caused by high blood pressure brought on by his high-stress job."
  • "You may or may not be aware that Icarus' late father, Archibald Cuthbert Quincy, died of a heart attack when Icarus was only 12."
  • "You're gonna give yourself a heart attack!"
  • "Rupert : Well, if the fox hasn't had a heart attack from running, then it is usually eaten alive by the dogs."
  • "Smithson argues that stress starts to pose serious threats such as permanent damage to brain cells (which has linked high stress levels to alzheimer's disease and strokes) and high blood pressure (the link between stress and heart attacks) only when the stress is allowed to build up over a long period of time."
  • "You'll give yourself a heart attack!"
  • "Philip : Heart attack?"
  • "I have your cause of death listed as a "heart attack"."

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