Übersetzung & Definition
instead of (doing something): statt (etwas zu tun), anstelle von
Instead of steht vor einem Nomen oder einem Verb in Gerundiumform:
I would prefer tea instead of coffee. Ich hätte lieber Tee als Kaffee.
Instead of asking questions, you should just start working. Anstatt Fragen zu stellen, solltest Du lieber anfangen zu arbeiten.
instead (end of sentence): statt dessen, anstellen von, dafür
Das Adverb instead (ohne of) wird am Ende des Satzes gebraucht:
They needed a banker, but they got a consultant instead. Sie brauchten einen Bankier, statt dessen bekamen sie einen Berater.
- "Philip : Well normally I'd say hell yes, but why don't we just get down to business instead?"
- "Edward : Eh... Actually, could I have mashed potatoes instead?"
- "I had mashed potatoes instead of a steak!"
- "Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
- "Instead, it's a desperate one."
- "Edward : No, I wanted mashed potatoes instead of the steak and fries."
- "Instead, I intend to ruin the reputation of a good man through a combination of rumors, internet research and wild speculation*."
- "Philip : Instead we're looking for a bear!"
- "I thought that returning to the continent would bring me closer to my roots, instead it has shown me the terrifying consequences of disrupting the European Union."
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