Übersetzung & Definition

a land: ein Land, eine Erde, ein Grundstück, ein Terrain, ein Territorium noun
to land (a plane): (ein Flugzeug) landen verb


  • "As mayor of the Munchkin city, in the county of the land of Oz, I welcome you most regally..."
  • "It's the story of a young girl, growing up in a land, well, a land down under."
  • "I'm just a cut-price person in a low-budget land."
  • "So, before we land in Australia, do you have any questions?"
  • "A land of awesome dudes"
  • "All my dolphin friends are moving to land."
  • "It looks like some sort of land surrounded on all sides by water."
  • "Pilot : Flight crew, prepare for landing."
  • "Icarus : Using high pitch frequencies emitted by the global positioning device in Bruno's helicopter, and then cross referencing them both with the amount of fuel in the helicopter as well as all known latitude and longitudes in both the eastern and western hemispheres, I was able to project Bruno and Susie's trajectory and landing location within one kilometer!"

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