Übersetzung & Definition

the pharmacy (US), the chemist's (UK): die Apotheke noun
the pharmacist (US), the chemist (UK): der Apotheker noun


  • "There must be a pharmacy somewhere in the airport: buy yourself one of those inflatable travel pillows and some sleeping pills."
  • "Pharmacist : You're all set, sir, anything else?"
  • "Pharmacist : Have a nice day."
  • "I forgot to stop by the pharmacy before I left, so if you could pick up some medicine on your way home, I'll love you a little extra this weekend."
  • "Pharmacist : Bangkok, huh?"
  • "Pharmacist : What's that?"
  • "Pharmacist : Then your total comes to 40 dollars and 35 cents."
  • "Pharmacist : Do you have health insurance?"
  • "Pharmacist : Visa and Mastercard only."
  • "Pharmacist : I don't follow country club sports, if you know what I mean."

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