Übersetzung & Definition

a photograph, a photo: eine Fotografie, ein Foto noun
(I enjoy) being photographed (because I find myself very handsome.): (Ich geniesse es) fotografiert zu werden (weil ich mich für sehr attraktiv halte) verb
a photographer: ein Fotograf noun


  • "Icarus : You see, another Stickypedia user has seen our edit and quickly realized that a photo of me was inappropriate."
  • "Congratulations on choosing Slick Brand Solutions to help repair your company's shattered reputation following your truly embarrassing nude photo leak."
  • "Bruno : And some old photos, yes."
  • "Bruno : Photos can be exciting too!"
  • "Trial runs in towns with high obesity levels have shown that consumers are likely to avoid unhealthy products if they have a picture of an unhealthy body on them. As part of the new regulations, healthier food options will also feature photos of unrealistic slim body types in an attempt to lure consumers towards these products."
  • "Take a look at this photo!"
  • "The internet is abuzz with new photos depicting former Delavigne Corp intern Edward Moon in a series of "compromising" positions."
  • "Here, take a look at this photo."
  • "We have done our best to reduce the size of our own email accounts by deleting emails older than 90 days, as well as emails with large attachments or animal photos."
  • "Pale English teen becomes viral sensation with risqué photos."

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