Übersetzung & Definition

to plan (sthg, to do sthg, on doing sthg): planen (etwas zu tun), vorhaben (etwas zu tun) verb
We are planning a dinner party at my house. Wir planen ein Abendessen bei mir.
I plan to move to the U.S. next year. Ich plane nächstes Jahr in die USA zu ziehen.
a plan: ein Plan, ein Konzept noun
What are your plans this weekend? Wie sind deine Pläne für dieses Wochenende?


  • "Bruno : Ok Jean, let's go over the plan one more time."
  • "I have impulsively decided to cancel the private plane flight with Horatio planned for this month."
  • "I've got plenty of other Scottish things planned for today: I've got a full-sized replica of the Loch Ness monster in the parking lot, and Brian mentioned that he'd like to try on some dresses with you later."
  • "Industrial Fruit Concern Inc. has stated that if they acquire the juice business, they plan to completely change the company culture and business model, create hundreds of soulless storefronts across the world, and pretty much ruin everything that made it unique."
  • "Journalist 2 : Mr. Delavigne, what do you plan on doing next?"
  • "What's the plan?"
  • "Alright, listen up, here's the plan..."
  • "We must come up with a plan quickly, before nightfall."
  • "I plan to escape today."
  • "Card Player 2 : Well, Sheriff Wayne, what do you plan to do with this horse?"

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