Übersetzung & Definition

a policy: eine Politik, eine Satzung noun
There's a no-smoking policy in the office. Die Satzung untersagt das Rauchen im Büro.
Our policy is to hire the most qualified individuals. Unsere Politik sieht vor, das qualifizierteste Personal einzustellen.
an insurance policy eine Versicherungspolice
Halten wir fest, dass das deutsche "Politik" (das politische Leben im Allgemeinen) auf englisch politics heißt. Unterscheiden Sie policy, das sich auf eine konkrete, angewandte Politik bezieht, von politics, das sich mehr auf allgemeine politische Orientierungen bezieht:
The senator's anti-terrorism policy is very controversial. Die Anti-Terror-Politik des Senators ist sehr umstritten.
The politics of our president are quite right-wing. Die politische Ausrichtung unseres Präsidenten ist sehr rechts.
company policy: die Satzung des Unternehmens noun

UK: Our company provides insurance policies to cover all risks.
US: The government's new education policy is unpopular.


  • "Brian : Well it's against company policy, but just this once..."
  • "When you absolutely must fire an employee, it must be for just cause: a clear violation of company policy."
  • "The record turnover is mainly due to an aggressive discount policy implemented by Delavigne's Head of Sales, Philip Cheeter."
  • "If not, just have fun reading the official hiring policy document when it arrives."
  • "I'm sure you've all had one or more of these interviews in the past, but company policy states that I have to give you a brief synopsis."
  • "In response to your request, however, we cannot mail you a comprehensive listing of all of our fragrance ingredients because it is against company policy."
  • "I'm sorry, but it's just company policy."
  • "In the meantime, government researchers across Britain are waiting to see the effectiveness of this new policy."
  • "Helpful hints: informal guideline to Delavigne Corp's customer service policy"
  • "At the same time, Philip developed a talent for sales while travelling door to door with his father and selling first hot dogs, then toasters, and eventually insurance policies."

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