Übersetzung & Definition

(I like) sport!: (Ich mag) Sport! noun


  • "There are also some wide-open spaces so we can change into our shorts and play some non-contact, non-violent sports like frisbee or softball."
  • "He likes cars, sports, beer..."
  • "There are many wide-open spaces in the park, so we can change into our shorts and play some non-contact, non-violent sports like frisbee or softball."
  • "Wang Sports (Shanghai, sports apparel and athletic products."
  • "Pharmacist : I don't follow country club sports, if you know what I mean."
  • "In the Sports section, stories of steroid abuse."
  • "Xavier loved sports, particularly Water Polo, though he never understood how to get the horses in the swimming pool."
  • "Due to popular demand, as well as the concerning rise of obesity in our office, I'm proud to officially open the “Xavier Delavigne Memorial Sport and Fitness center for exercise”."
  • "In fact my mother advised me to avoid any kind of sports after I was knocked out by a softball in my local park."

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