Übersetzung & Definition

a spy: ein Spion noun
Look, there is the famous Russian spy with three nipples: Uja Nicaniplov. Schau! Da ist der berühmte russische Spion mit drei Brustwarzen: Uja Nicaniplov.
to spy (on one's dog): (einem Hund nach)spionieren verb


  • "Marvin : They are both lying, I am used for spying"
  • "SAN FRANCISCO – The luxury fragrance industry has been rocked by news that one of the senior employees of the Delavigne Corporation may be a spy."
  • "Shopkeeper : Ah, so you want to spy on the spies?"
  • "The sexiest former spy in the former KGB of the former Soviet Union!"
  • "MyFace is a website that allows you to waste your time at work, spy on your partner, and forward spam messages to your entourage!"
  • "" (source: my spies)"
  • "Why would you accuse him of spying?"
  • "SAN FRANCISCO – The luxury fragrance industry has been rocked by allegations that one of the senior staff of the Delavigne Corporation may be a spy."
  • "Shopkeeper : Ah, so you want to spy on the spies?"

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