Übersetzung & Definition

a terrorist: ein Terrorist noun


  • "I need my driver's license or something to prove that I'm not a terrorist!"
  • "There will be no need to take legal action against our restaurant, since I have myself begun proceedings against the terrorists in question, who have been caught by the CIA and are currently being held in a secure prison in Cuba."
  • "She's having some difficulty with US customs. Apparently her strong British accent caused customs officials to believe that she was a terrorist."
  • "Bruno : Dr. Badguy, I should tell you up front that I do not negotiate with terrorists."
  • "By now, you've no doubt read the newspapers: devastating earthquakes, deadly floods, fatal epidemics, terrorist attacks, destructive hurricanes and death tolls in the thousands, and that's just on the front page!"
  • "Let's not think about what would happen if terrorists hijacked a plane with a nuclear reactor..."
  • "These terrorists – and I do not think this word is too strong – take issue with the fishing of bluefin tuna, arguing that the bluefin community is suffering terribly from over-fishing."
  • "Dr. Badguy : I'm not a terrorist, I am a legitimate businessman, like you sir."

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