Übersetzung & Definition

the press: die Presse noun


  • "Now, I'll take a few questions from the press."
  • "Thanks to your initiatives we've been recognized as a progressive and forward-thinking enterprise by the press."
  • "they control the media, the global economy, the press, the government, the weather and the menu at the Delavigne cafeteria."
  • "Philip : Oh great, not only will we be humiliated, but we'll have the press covering every defeat."
  • "Tell him about the press we've received."
  • "The press will soon lose interest in this story."
  • "The first thing you'll want to do is introduce yourself to the press, and give them an idea of what we'll be discussing at the press conference."
  • "We thought the press would be a good thing."
  • "I'm responsible for the company's public relations and I deal directly with the press."
  • "There is a rumor circulating here at the Delavigne Corporation, and in the press."

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