Übersetzung & Definition

to transform (water) into (wine): (Wasser) in (Wein) verwandeln verb
transformation: Umwandlung, Transformation noun


  • "In just 5 30-minute sessions with our automated consultants, we'll transform you from oppressive overlord into a benevolent boss without ever leaving your throne room!"
  • "Eventually, Bruno transformed Xavier's humble perfume shop in Montmartre into a world-renowned, multinational cosmetics company."
  • "So far I've transformed into a duck and an elephant, but now I'm focusing on becoming a lotus flower."
  • "Attached to this email, you will find a detailed report of my plans to transform the Delavigne Corporation into an environmentally-friendly company that outperforms its competitors on every level."
  • "Congratulations, it will be a pleasure to transform your ridiculous dreams into a disturbing reality."
  • "Eventually, Bruno transformed Xavier's humble perfume shop in Montmartre into a world-renowned, multi-national cosmetics company."
  • "No matter how silly the question may be, there is always a way to transform it into something informative, and in this case, you managed to promote our products as well."

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