Übersetzung & Definition

to predict: vorhersagen verb
a prediction: eine Vorhersage noun
predictable: vorhersehbar adjective

UK: It's impossible to predict the future.
US: The film was very predictable - it was obvious how it was going to end.


  • "Those same scientists predict that this figure is likely to increase in coming years."
  • "The weather forecast predicts it's going to be boiling all weekend, so bring your sunscreen, sunglasses and possibly a hat."
  • "Warbuckle : Hey Philip, your prediction was right – this New Year's party is full of beautiful women!"
  • "I can predict with confidence that the Delavigne Corporation's strong performance will continue until the end of the year."
  • "Despite this, CEO Kalvin Krime announced yesterday that "the worst is now over" and predicted an increase in profits next year."
  • "We can predict the future!"
  • "Within 10 years, I predict profit margins in the millions."
  • "Not only that, but my last film grossed 100 million dollars at the box office and my next one is predicted to do the same."

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