Übersetzung & Definition

skincare (products): Hautpflege- (produkte) noun
Mit Care ist "die Pflege" gemeint. To care (for) sich kümmern (um), Acht geben (auf)
childcare Kinderbetreuung
healthcare Gesundheitspflege
a hair care product: ein Haarpflegeprodukt noun


  • "I am sure you are already familiar with our extensive line of skin care and beauty products, from our award-winning perfumes (Exotic Garden and others) to our environmentally safe and organically produced soaps ("Cucumber Melonade" is one of our most popular)."
  • "Over the years the company has expanded its production to skincare and beauty products while continuing to manufacture fine perfumes."
  • "The line of Delavigne products which has seen the largest growth is skin care."
  • "Cases for our lipstick, and tubes for hair care products."
  • "However, it must be said that we are not about to cut our ties with our current suppliers to enable Delavigne and its subsidiaries to create a skin-care monopoly."
  • "Skin Care The line of Delavigne products which has seen the largest growth is skin care."
  • "We are looking for some durable plastic containers and jars, cases for our lipstick, and tubes for hair care products."
  • "Over the years, the company has gradually expanded its production to skincare and beauty products, while continuing to manufacture fine perfumes."
  • "Despite making up only 2% of the world's population, the Japanese account for one fifth of skin care sales."
  • "Moreover, sales of Delavigne skin care products in Japan are up 14.6% over the past six months."

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