Übersetzung & Definition

to specify: präzisieren, spezifizieren, bestimmen verb
Could you please specify in which colors you would like the samples? Könnten Sie mir bitte präzisieren, in welchen Farben Sie die Proben gerne hätten?
the (software) specifications, specs: die Beschreibung (der Software), die technischen Daten (der Software) noun
What are the customers' specifications? Was sind die speziellen Kundenwünsche?
specific: speziell, besonders, bestimmt adjective


  • "The official policy will be sent shortly as a PDF file, but I'd like to draw your attention to some specific details beforehand."
  • "Penelope : You'll have to be more specific, Bruno."
  • "Actually, to be more specific, he spit on my shoe and called me a bourgeois pig."
  • "The sheik specified no next of kin, and left no legal will."
  • "We're looking for Bruno, we don't have a specific destination in mind!"
  • "Polly has the product specifications from our Mid-West distributors, and Philip has volunteered to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of my contacts here in the Bay."
  • "Authorities speculated that the group's chance for survival was "slim to none", then specified that it was closer to .006 percent."
  • "They're independent, so they won't try to push one specific carrier: Benjamin will choose the best offer in each individual case for us."
  • "Brian : Right, could you be a bit more specific?"

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