Übersetzung & Definition

a task: eine Aufgabe noun
Moving this piano will be no easy task. Dieses Klavier umzustellen wird keine leichte Aufgabe werden.
a task-master ein Aufseher


  • "Project motivation (I have attached a sort of "task list" to this email for you to show Miss Stake."
  • "Philip : Before completing my mission, I have but one remaining task... to take a look at the contents of said microfiche!"
  • "Your task is to clean the laboratory, and by extension, any monkeys therein."
  • "Day 3 : Our tasks include washing dishes, peeling potatoes, and having our spirit slowly crushed by the inexorable passing of time."
  • "Brian, going forward all these tasks can and will be done by BrianBot!"
  • "Horatio : Look, this is my "task list"."
  • "Bruno : I will now divide you into two teams. Each team will have a diabolically difficult task."
  • "When I was a perfumer in Paris, I completed all my tasks with a dance and song."
  • "He's here to bring music and dance to your everyday tasks."
  • "Do this task that I ask of you, and your redemption will be assured."

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