Übersetzung & Definition

to trust (someone): (jemandem) vertrauen verb


  • "Business is nothing without trust, my friend."
  • "It protects all parties, and allows all of you to remain partners with people you know and trust."
  • "You can trust him, okay Petey?"
  • "You can't trust Southside Johnny."
  • "The idea is that a man can create a sense of untouchable, unquestionable power around himself simply by wearing the perfect suit: colleagues fear him, bosses respect him and clients trust him. All this, thanks to his suit."
  • "Stay on your toes Mr. Cheeter, and trust no one."
  • "Bob the Brit : They always told me, never trust a Corsican with a gun on the fourth weekend in March!"
  • "Horatio would never do anything to jeopardize this company, or his relationship with me, and he won't like it if he thinks we don't trust him."
  • "When you love someone, you've gotta trust them. There's no other way."
  • "He is notoriously suspicious of everything, and certainly cannot be trusted."

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