Übersetzung & Definition

unless: außer wenn, es sei denn, sofern nicht conjunction
Unless Bruno agrees, you'll never get that grant. Sofern Bruno nicht zustimmt, wirst du das Darlehen niemals bekommen.

UK: I'll be there at nine, unless the train is late.
US: Don't come unless I call you.


  • "We all know that we shouldn't leave our computers on standby and that we shouldn't print out emails and documents unless absolutely necessary."
  • "Unless there are any other comments, I'd like to wrap this meeting up."
  • ""Chick" (unless referring literally to a baby bird)"
  • "Unless you call a sleeping bag "furniture"."
  • "Greg : Greg... unless you don't like it... then it's Jack."
  • "Unless you're crooked."
  • "Jean : Oh, I don't think you would know her, unless you watch late night cable TV."
  • "Philip : I doubt it, Edward, unless you know how to transport 30,000 units of perfume from Southampton, England, to Brazil in less than three weeks?"
  • "Unless this contract is signed (in duplicate) by tomorrow, we will be forced to withdraw our 2.5 million dollar offer for the branding rights."
  • "Stephen : Don't talk unless you have to, son."

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