Übersetzung & Definition

the world wide web (or "www"): das "World wide web", das Internet idiom


  • "Scientists estimate that the web's carbon footprint (the CO2 it produces) is growing at around 10% per year, which could be bad news for internet giants such as Moogle, Microtosh, and YouLube."
  • "Now that you've told me that you're going to visit a psychologist, even if it is just to flirt with her, there's a very strong possibility that I will spread this information around the entire office, to my friends and post it on Internet chatrooms all over the world (this is the beauty of the World Wide Web)."
  • "The catch is that as more and more people use the internet, more and more pages are loaded, searches are made, and videos are watched, and so more and more servers are needed to power all this web activity."

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