Übersetzung & Definition
cleanliness: die Sauberkeit
Icarus often has a problem with the cleanliness of the employee lounge. Icarus hat oft Probleme mit der Sauberkeit des Aufenthaltraums der Angestellten.
clean: sauber, rein
Luna likes to spend her weekends in the country, where the air is clean. Luna verbringt gerne ihre Wochenenden auf dem Land, wo die Luft sauber ist.
Let's keep the conversation clean. Lass uns anständig bleiben.
to clean (up): sauber machen
Philip always cleans his office when Bruno drops by. Philip macht immer sein Büro sauber, wenn Bruno vorbeikommt.
Bob spent all Sunday cleaning the house after hosting the poker party. Bob verbrachte nach der Pokerparty den ganzen Sonntag mit der Reinigung des Hauses.
- "You two, go in and clean up the monkey poo-poo!"
- "You still need to clean your room and lay the table for supper!"
- "Cleaning equipment and gas masks are available in my office."
- "Now, over 65 years later, McGillicutty's has become synonymous with "clean"."
- "Hannah : You're the intern, go and clean up this monkey poo please!"
- "Look at my teeth, they're white and clean!"
- "Philip : There's no way I'm going to ruin my shoes cleaning up this mess."
- "My conscience is clean."
- "Your task is to clean the laboratory, and by extension, any monkeys therein."
- "Get somebody to clean up this body, okay?"
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