Übersetzung & Definition

to reimburse: zurückbezahlen, erstatten verb
I haven't yet been reimbursed for my expenses last month. Meine Ausgaben des letzten Monats wurden mir noch nicht erstattet.


  • "Icarus : Nevertheless, we have to arrange some sort of a payment plan for you to reimburse the money spent on this pinball apparatus."
  • "Anyway, I've emailed you my expense form so that you can reimburse me for the ticket ASAP."
  • "Furthermore, the company will be happy to reimburse the travel expenses for your husband and cats to join you the next few weekends until your family moves here permanently."
  • "On the other hand, if the company would like to reimburse me for this expense, I would be willing to share the stapler with the rest of the staff."
  • "Rachel : I've canceled your holiday, and reimbursed you for the full amount."
  • "Hannah : We want to be reimbursed for our flights, accommodation, and the rest of it!"
  • "In short, if the company could reimburse me the cost of the stapler, I would appreciate it."
  • "They have agreed to waive the supplementary fees on all of your future transactions, and reimburse you retroactively for all charges incurred over the last 12 months."

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