Übersetzung & Definition

to act: aufführen, spielen verb
He acted as a consultant on that project. Er agierte bei diesem Projekt als Berater.
an act / acting: eine Handlung, eine Tat, ein Akt (im Theater) noun
an act of kindness eine freundliche Geste, eine menschliche Geste
to act as/like: fungieren als, tätig sein als, wirken wie, handeln als idiom
Luna acted as a mediator between the clowns and the acrobats during the strike of 1987. Während des Streiks im Jahre 1987 fungierte Luna als Vermittlerin zwischen den Clowns und den Akrobaten.


  • "His second act was to have sex with the former President's wife."
  • "No one was hurt during the revolution but the country did record its first ever act of violence when the former President's bodyguard was slightly pushed."
  • "I must know everything before we act."
  • "General Rainbow Child : The audience hated all my acts, Brian."
  • "Philip Cheeter's first act upon becoming King was to rename Peacenikland "Cheeterland"."
  • "I dinna want to interrupt... whatever it is that you were doin' there, but the thing is, I'm not a fan of these stereotypical Scottish acts."
  • "Brian : I can be the last act!"
  • "Fornication is a disgusting act that degrades all humans, Mr. Jones."
  • "So, now, as my first act as King of Cheeterland, please rise to sing your new national anthem."
  • "He was acting strange, different, a little bit queer, I guess you could say."

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