The uses of per

We use the preposition per (for; in order to) in Italian to:

  • Express a goal or specify a destination:

Studia per diventare medico.

She is studying to become a doctor.

Anna è partita per Roma questo pomeriggio.

Anna left for Rome this afternoon.

  • Indicate a deadline or a due date:

Questo progetto è da fare per venerdì.

This project is to be completed by Friday.

  • Express an opinion or speak on behalf of another person:

Per me, questa situazione va risolta al più presto. 

In my opinion (literally “for me”), this situation needs to be resolved as quickly as possible.

Ho telefonato per te. 

I made the phone call on your behalf.

  • Express a means or a method:

Questo libro vi sarà inviato per posta. 

This book will be sent to you by post.

  • Express a cause or reason:

Il bambino si lamentava per il mal di pancia.

The child was complaining of a stomach ache.

  • Express how long something lasts or lasted:

Ho vissuto a Roma per 2 anni.

I lived in Rome for two years.

Mi trasferisco a Madrid per sei mesi.

I'm moving to Madrid for six months.

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