How many words are there in German?

An estimate suggests that there are at least 300,000 German words in the dictionary, with millions more when you consider compound words formed by combining two words.

Such as:

  • Fernseher - television, (far viewer)
  • Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung - speed limit, (speed limitation)
  • Handschuhe - gloves, (hand shoes)
  • Zahnarzt - dentist, (tooth doctor")

There's no secret on how to learn and build your german vocabulary: reading will help you a lot.

If you are under the impression that reading isn't sufficient, mayhaps you ought to try Wunderbla: the first seven days are free!

Learning the most common German words

When you begin to learn German, it's useful to know that many English words have Germanic origins. They both share Germanic roots, which aids in understanding and speaking the language.

Essential German words for daily use

guten morgen good morning
guten Tag good day
guten abend good evening
gute nacht good night
hallo hello
tschüss bye
danke thank you
deutsch German
englisch English
wie geht es dir how are you
nein no
ja yes
liebe love
katze cat
hund dog

Common food words in German

kaffee coffee
bier beer
tee tea
wein wine
wasser water
brot bread
reis rice
wurst sausage
currywurst curry sausage
fisch fish
hühnchen chicken
rindfleisch beef
schweinefleisch pork

Here are five German dishes to practice your German vocabulary and culture.

Counting up to 10 in German

Learn numbers in German with the following table!

null zero
eins one
zwei two
drei three
vier four
fünf five
sechs six
sieben seven
acht eight
neun nine
zehn ten

Most Common Verbs in German

sprechen speak
nehmen take
kaufen buy
wissen know
sehen see
fragen ask
denhen think
wollen want
kommen come

If you need help with your conjugation, you can use our conjugator!

Important words for places in German

supermarkt supermarket
bäckerei bakery
krankenhaus hospital
polizei police
arzt doctor
lehrerin teacher (female)
schule school

Time in German

jahr year
monate months
stunde hour
morgen tomorrow
heute today
gestern yesterday
uhr clock
minute minute
sekunde second
Es ist 8 Uhr 15 It is 8h15

Days in German

Montag Monday
Dienstag Tuesday
Mittwoch Wednesday
Donnerstag Thursday
Freitag Friday
Samstag Saturday
Sonntag Sunday
Wir sind der 2. Januar 2024 It is January 2, 2024

Months in German

Januar January
Februar February
März March
April April
Mai May
Juni June
Juli July
August August
September September
Oktober October
November November
Dezember December

Common and Useful Adjectives in German

klein small
gut good
schlecht bad
schön beautiful
einfach simple

Describing the body parts in German

hand hand
arm arm
finger finger
Fuß foot
kopf head

How to build vocabulary with Wunderbla

You’ll learn hundreds of words & phrases listed below with our online German course.

Our short, 10-minute lessons are sent on a daily basis so that you can focus on learning instead of planning to learn. No cramming involved: our spaced learning approach helps you retain the words you learn over the long term.

Vocabulary is a serious matter, but you can make it fun with Wunderbla. Our lessons are story-driven - you don't just learn from a vocabulary list, you learn with context. Solidify the vocabulary you’ve built up, and learn more efficiently with our artificial intelligence engine.

Already know a word? No problemo (we have a Spanish course available as well!). Our daily lessons are also personalized based on what you know and what you need to know. You get to tailor your own learning experience easily.

Wunderbla delivers short, personalized and fun lessons. Our goal: your motivation, participation and progress.

Words & phrases you can learn with Wunderbla

Click on any of the letters below to see the full extent of the goodness you can learn with us.

Further reading

Do you need more than words? We've got you covered!

Wunderbla goes beyond words. Grammar, tenses, phrases, business vocabulary, culture... You can learn it all with our online German course.

Try for free today.


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