
directly: promptly, immediately, at once, right away; honestly, frankly, openly adverb
When you finish school come directly home. Don't go to the shop and don't talk to any strangers.
The post office is directly across the street from the parking lot.
  • "A fellow student said "Zack was careful not to throw the candy directly at people, but a caramel square did land quite near my foot"."
  • "Allow me to respond to some of this month's suggestions more directly"
  • "We take the flavor of Brazil and put it directly into our cows."
  • "Over the course of my career, I have developed an array of skills which I am confident you will find directly applicable to the needs of your CEO."
  • "Why don't you transfer me directly to Mr. Delavigne's voicemail?"
  • "Please proceed directly to your bus at Gate 4."
  • "In any case, I prefer to discuss this matter directly with their creator."
  • "My advice is to write an email to Ms. DeLune directly."
  • "Please proceed directly to your bus at Gate 6."
  • "Please allow me now to pose a rhetorical question to all of you: is it normal that I am directly receiving phone calls from customers?"

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