Apparire (to appear), comparire (to appear) and scomparire (to disappear) in the present tense

The verb apparire (to appear) is irregular and is therefore not conjugated in the same way as regular -ire verbs. Comparire (to appear), scomparire (to disappear) and derivatives thereof are conjugated in the same way as apparire (to appear) in the present tense, as follows:

Io appaio/apparisco
Tu appari/apparisci
Lui/lei appare/apparisce
Noi appariamo
Voi apparite
Loro appaiono/appariscono
Io compaio/comparisco
Tu compari/comparisci
Lui/lei compare/comparisce
Noi compariamo
Voi comparite
Loro compaiono/compariscono
Io scompaio/scomparisco
Tu scompari/scomparisci
Lui/lei scompare/scomparisce
Noi scompariamo
Voi scomparite
Loro scompaiono/scompariscono

Appaio quando meno te lo aspetti. 

I appear when you least expect it.

Luca e Marco compaiono nella foto di classe. 

Luca and Marco appear in the class photo.

Il sole scompare dietro le montagne.  

The sun disappears behind the mountains.

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